1. Alexandre Avdeev (with
Alain Blum and Irina Troitskaia)
Seasonal Factor in the Demography of Russian Peasantry in XIX C."
avdeev@ined.fr & avdeev@ns.econ.msu.ru
Centre for Population Studies,
Moscow State University, Faculty of Economics,
Vorobievy Gory, MGU, 119899, Moscow, Russie
2. Irina
Troitskaia (with A.Avdeev and Alain Blum)
Centre for Population Studies,
Moscow State University, Faculty of Economics,
Vorobievy Gory, MGU, 119899, Moscow, Russia
3. Alain Blum
(with A.Avdeev and Irina Troitskaia)
Institut National d'Études
Démographique (INED),
133, boulevard Davout, 75980, Paris, Cedex 20 Franc
4. Jean-Paul
"Pour une conversion des indices de Coal"
odeurope@FranceNet.fr and sardon@ined.fr
Démographique Européen (ODE)
2 bis rue du Prieuré, F-78107 Saint-Germain-en-Laye, Cedex
Institut National d'Études Démographique (INED),
133, boulevard Davout, 75980, Paris, Cedex 20 France
5. Jacques Vallin
(with F.Meslé, S.Adamets and S.Pirozhkov)
new estimation of Ukrainian population losses during the 30's and 40's crises."
Institut National d'Études
Démographique (INED),
133, boulevard Davout, 75980, Paris, Cedex 20 France
6. France
Meslé (with J. Vallin, S.Adamets and S.Pirozhkov)
Institut National d'Études
Démographique (INED),
133, boulevard Davout, 75980, Paris, Cedex 20 France
7. Serguei
Adamets (with J. Vallin, F.Meslé and S.Pirozhkov
Institut National d'Etudes
Dйmographique (INED),
133, boulevard Davout, 75980, Paris, Cedex 20 France
8. Serhiy Pirozhkov
(with J. Vallin, F.Meslé and S.Adamets)
National Institute of Ukrainian-Russian Relations,
18/7 Kutuzov Street, Kyiv, 252 133 Ukraine.
9. Natalia
"Morbidité et mortalité des
enfants de 0 а 10 а Moscou dans les années 1930-1940"
Centre for Population Studies,
Moscow State University, Faculty of Economics,
Vorobievy Gory, MGU, 119899, Moscow, Russia
10. Guy Brunet
(with A.Bideau)
"Toward social insertion ? The marriage of foundlings in the city of
Lyons (France) during the nineteenth century."
dÉtudes Démographiques, Institut des Sciences de lHomme
14, avenue Berthelot, 69363 Lyon cedex 07, France
11. Alain Bideau (with G.Brunet)
CNRS, Université Lion 2, France.
Antoinette Fauve-Chamoux
backward: three decades of French family history"
Centre de Recherches Historiques, École des Hautes Études en Sciences Sociales (EHESS)
2, rue E. Faguet 75014 Paris France.
13. Jean-Marc
Rohrbasser (avec Christine Théré)
de la mort, de la mortalité et le calcul de la durée de
la vie humaine dans l'Encyclopédie (1751-1765)"
Institut National d'Études
Démographique (INED),
133, boulevard Davout, 75980, Paris, Cedex 20 France.
14. Christine
Théré (avec Jean-Marc Rohrbasser)
Institut National d'Études
Démographique (INED),
133, boulevard Davout, 75980, Paris, Cedex 20 France.
15. Alain Monnier
(avec Sophy Pennec)
"L'expérience de la mort
au sein de la famille dans une perspective historique et démographique"
Institut National d'Études
Démographique (INED),
133, boulevard Davout, 75980, Paris, Cedex 20 France.
16. Sophie
Pennec (avec Alain Monnier)
Institut National d'Études
Démographique (INED),
133, boulevard Davout, 75980, Paris, Cedex 20 France
17. James
C. Riley
"The Lethality of
Sickness" (this
communication might be presented in the Health, Morbidity and Mortality Theme's framework
History Department. Indiana University
Bloomington, IN 47405, USA
Olivier Zeller
"Family cycle and
inner turn-over".
l'Université Lyon II, responsable de l'axe "Histoire des Villes et de leurs
Populations", Centre Pierre Léon, France
Rama Deb Roy.
"Population of the
Province of Bengal , 1751 - 1801"
Population Studies Unit. Indian Statistical Institute.
203 B. T. Road. Calcutta - 700 035 India
Sergei V. Zakharov
of life of representatives of Russian elite born in the end of XVIIth - the
beginning of XXth centuries: Did any impovement take place?"
Laboratory of Population Estimates and Projections. Center for Demography and Human Ecology. Institute for Economic
Forecasting. Russian Academy of Sciences
47, Nakhimovskii prospect (former 32, Krasikova Street)
117418 Moscow, Russia
Véronique Fillieux
and lodging between 1880 and 1930 : mutual implications"
Université catholique de Louvain.
Rue Montesquieu, 27. 1348 Louvain-la-Neuve. Belgique
Svetlana FilimontchikSvetlana Filimontchik
of city dwellers during Northern Russian industrialization."
Petrozavodsk State University, Petrozavodsk, Karelia, Russia
23. Glenda Strachan
a New Community: European Settlement in Rural Australia, 1850 to 1900."
Industrial Relations and Human Resource Management Group
School of Management. University of Newcastle
New South Wales 2308. Australia
24. Tarja Räisänen
transitions into solitary old age: Women in Finnish agricultural society"
transitions into solitary old age: Women in Finnish agricultural society"
Department of Economic and Social History. P.L.Box 54
00014 University of Helsinki. Finland
25. Diego Ramiro-Fariсas
changes on Urban and Rural mortality during the first third of the Nineteenth century in
Spain, 1904-1933."
dramiro@inicia.es and dr230@cus.cam.ac.uk
University Complutense of Madrid. Spain
26. Kirsi Warpula
and Inheritance in Comparative Perspective"
University of Helsinki. The History of Criminality, Box 4
00014 University of Helsinki, Finland
27. Vladimir Dyatchkov, Phd.,
Region Development (1800-1917) in the Context of Integral History"
Ass. Professor of Tambov State University, Russian History Department.
Tambov, 392008, Komsomolskaya square, 5. Faculty of History. Russia.
28. Santiago Piquero Zarauz
" From
Portugal to Lithuania. A comparative study of the adult mortality seasonality in the
XVIth-XVIIIth centuries"
Professor of Economic History at the University of Basque Country.
Facultad de Filología y Geografía e Historia.
Paseo de la Universidad, 5. 01006. Vitoria. Spain.
Valery Vladimirovitch Kanischev (with Y. A.Mizis )
"A Study of Family Structure, Tambov case, 1811-1859
Doctor of History, Professor of Russian History Department, Tambov State
Tambov, 39200, Komsomolskaya square, 5. Russia
Yury Alexandrovitch Mizis (with
V.V.Kanischev )
"A Study of Family Structure, Tambov case, 1811-1859
Professor, Dean of Historical Faculty, Tambov State University, Tambov State
University, Tambov, 39200, Komsomolskaya square, 5.
Dr.S. Mariela Todorova
"Historical connection of the Demographic processes between
Bulgaria, Balkan countries, Moldova and Besarabia"
Scientific Secretary of the Institute for Feeding
Practices and Social Demographical Development in Bulgaria. (Bulgaria)
Alice Reid
"Infant feeding and post neonatal mortality in Derbyshire in the early
twentieth century"
Research Fellow St John's College, Cambridge and The Cambridge Group for the History of Population and Social Structure,
(St John's College Cambridge CB2 1TP, United Kindom)