General information

                  Dr.S. Mariela Todorova
(Institute for Feeding Practices and
                  Social Demographical Development in Bulgaria., Bulgaria)

"Historical connection of the Demographic processes between Bulgaria, Balkan countries, Moldova and Besarabia".

1.In the Theme are introduced the data from the representative research /1998-2000/ for the historical connection of the migration and integration between the population of BG, Balkan Countries, Moldova and Besarabia. It is introduces the most actual demographic data of the development in the process of democratically transition.

2.The Theme includes historical demographical characteristics from the investigated zones of Macedonia, Kosovo, Methodical, Nishava, Dobrudja, Moldova, Besarabia and New Russia /Tavrin and Herson/ through historical comparative analysis of the Past and of the Contemporary period. 

3. Methodology: The research is realized through the basic sociological methods and demographic statistic. 

4. The results show the contemporary processes of the demographical development in the researched indexes through historical context of their expression.