Convenors Themes
General information

Invitation letter
Convenors Themes
The Schedule ans the parallel sessions by themes

Convenors Themes

Theme A: Fertility, Contraception and Reproductive Health

               Convenor: Kalev Katus, Estonia

Theme B: Families and Households

               Convenor: Irena Kotowska, Poland

Theme C: Health, Morbidity and Mortality

               Convenor: Tapani Valkonen, Finland (Chair: EAPS Working Group)

Theme D: Regional Population Dynamics

              Convenor: Philip Rees, United Kingdom

Theme E: International Migration and Migrant Populations

                 Convenor: Antonio Golini, Italy

Theme F: Population Ageing

                Convenor: Emily Grundy, United Kingdom

Theme G: Population and Policies

                Convenor: Nada Stropnik, Slovenia

Theme H: Population in Developing Countries

                Convenor: Therese Locoh, France

Theme I: Demographic Toolkit ( methodology, theory, models)

                Convenor: Nico Keilman, Norway

Theme J: Applied Demography

               Convenor:    Michel Poulain (chair EAPS Working Group)

Theme K: Looking ahead: Scenarios and Projections

                Convenor: Juha Aalo (Finland)

Theme L: Looking back: Historical Demography

                Convenor: Alexandre Avdeev, Russia  and 

Theme N: Teaching and Training in Population Sciences

                Convenor: Frans Willekens, Netherlands (chair EAPS Working Group)

Theme O: Open Forum

                Convenor: Charlotte Hohn, Germany