Professeur Dmitri Valentey, Fonder of the Centre for Population Problems Studies on the Faculty of Economics of the Moscow State University -------------------- Archives of Valentey Readings
Proceedings of 4th Valentey Commemorative Readings: |
International Conference
The Sixth Valentey Commemorative Readings (Valenteevskiye Chteniya) April 22-24, 2010, Moscow, Russia
The Centre for Population Studies of the Faculty of Economics, Lomonosov Moscow State University, holds, in April 22-24, 2010, the 6th International Conference on Population Problems “Dmitry Valentey Commemorative Readings”. The conference is devoted to historical demography, history of population, demographic theories and policies in Russia and abroad. Organizing Committee is grateful to the Russian and foreign colleagues who expressed their wish to participate in the Conference. Preliminary program is now complete. It is available here in MS World and PDF format. The papers which are not accepted for the regular sessions may be optionally presented at the poster sessions. All the papers submitted, regardless of the form of presentation, will be published. The full papers (up to 20 000 characters) must be submitted until January 15, 2010. Participants coming from the other cities and countries are asked to inform the Organizing Committee whether they need an accommodation in Moscow during the conference (hotel or university residence). The participants who need a visa for entering Russia have to fill in the form presented in the Information letter N° 2 . We inform you that the Organizing Committee found a possibility to exempt all the participants from the registration fees. Center for Population Problems Studies Faculty of Economics, Moscow State University 119992 Leninskiye Gory, MGU, Moscow RUSSIA Tel: (+7 095) 939 28 38 Fax: (+7 095) 939 28 38 E-mail: Valentei-VI@econ.msu.ru Prof. Vassily Kolesov Chairman of the Conference, Dean of the Faculty of Economics, Lomonosov Moscow State University Dr. Valery Elizarov Co-chairman of the Conference, Head of the Centre for Population Problems Studies, Lomonosov Moscow State University Dr. Irina Troitskaia Scientific Secretary, Centre for Population Studies, Lomonosov Moscow State University Committee members: Alexandre AVDEEV Center for Population Studies, Lomonosov Moscow State University / Institut de Démographie, Université Paris I Panthéon-Sorbonne Anatoly ANTONOV Faculty of Sociology, Moscow State University Lidia BARDAKOVA UNFPA Assistant Representative in the Russian Federation Alain BLUM Ecole des Hautes Etudes en Sciences Sociales / INED, France Mikhail DENISENKO Institute of Demography, Higher School of Economics / Center for Population Studies, Lomonosov Moscow State University Vladimir ETCHENIQUE Faculty of Economics, Moscow State University Vladimir IONTSEV Chair of Population, Lomonosov Moscow State University Mikhail KLUPT St Petersburg University of Economics and Finance Leonid RYBAKOVSKY Institute of Socio-Political Research, Academy of Science Leonid TUTOV Faculty of Economics, Moscow State University Alexei SHEVYAKOV Institute of Social and Economic Studies of Population Anatoly VISHNEVSKY Institute of Demography, Higher School of Economics Irina ZBARSKAYA Federal State Statistics Service Natalia ZVEREVA Center for Population Studies, Lomonosov Moscow State University Valentina ZHYROMSKAYA Institute for Russian History, Academy of Science
Information letter #3
Program of Conference
Information letter #2
Information letter #1
Application form: download MS Word or PDF document
Information letter №2 : request for the full text of communication and invitation formalities The Centre for Population Studies of the Faculty of Economics, Lomonosov Moscow State University, holds, in April 22-24, 2010, the 6th International Conference on Population Problems “Dmitry Valentey Commemorative Readings”. The conference deals with historical demography, history of population, of demographic theories and policies in Russia and abroad. The regular conference programme will be grouped around four main themes:
Organizing Committee is grateful to the Russian and foreign colleagues who would like to participate in the Conference. Now the list of participants is closed and all of them are requested to send their full papers to the Organizing Committee up to December 15, 2009. As soon as the final Conference Program is completed, the third information letter will be sent to all participants. All the full papers presented by the deadline (December 15, 2009) will be published. Participants coming from the other cities and countries are invited to inform the Organizing Committee whether they need an accommodation in Moscow during the conference (hotel or university residence). Participants coming from the other cities and countries are invited to inform the Organizing Committee whether they need an accommodation in Moscow during the conference (hotel or university residence). We inform you that the Organizing Committee found a possibility to exempt all the participants from the registration fees. Those participants who need a visa for entering Russia have to fill in the following form. Since the carrying out of the official invitation takes a lot of time, the completed form and a copy of passport should be sent to the Organizing Committee before November 1, 2009.
A full list of the Organizing Committee members, as well as the preliminary program of the Conference will be presented in the Information letter N° 3 in November 2009
Information letter №1: call for the contributions The Centre for Population Problems Studies of the Faculty of Economics, Lomonosov Moscow State University, announces the 6th International Conference on Population Problems “Dmitry Valentey Commemorative Readings” in April 2010. The conference will be devoted to the problems of historical demography, population history, population theories and policies in Russia and abroad. The conference organizers are hopeful that the conference will outline the state of knowledge on population history, and contribute to understanding of how and why the historical background determines our perception of contemporary demographic problems and population policy. The regular conference programme will be grouped around four main themes:
Furthermore, the conference will include a special plenary session and round table discussion “The ideas of Mikhail Lomonosov “On the preservation and multiplication of the Russian nation” and the present”, in view of the fact that the “6th Dmitry Valentey Commemorative Readings” are embodied in the biennial programme of scientific events dedicated to the 300th anniversary of Mikhail Lomonosov, the illustrious Russian scientist, poet and one of the founders of Moscow State University. Each theme of the regular programme supposes one plenary session with one or two invited speakers, several simultaneous sessions and/or round tables organized upon submitted papers selected by session convenor. Besides, a joint poster session will be organized. The working languages are Russian and English. Those participants who wish to organize a session within one of the main topics are invited to send their proposals to the Organizing Committee by the 20th of April 2009. Participants must fill in a Pre-Registration form in MS Word format and e-mail it, together with a brief abstract, to Valentei-VI@econ.msu.ru or fax to +7 (495) 939 2838 before the 31st of May 2009. Detailed abstracts (2-4 pages) or complete papers should be submitted no later than the 15th of December 2009. The papers submitted will be published on the Conference website, as well as in the edited volume(s) of abstracts. International Conference “Population Problems in the History Mirror” (the 6th Valenteevskiye Chteniya) April 2010, Moscow, Russia
paper documents: MS Word version
The full list of the Organizing Committee members will be presented in the Information Letter # 2. At the early June 2009 Information Letter # 2 with the Conference Program and terms of participation (deadline for abstracts, accommodation facilities, registration fee (around 50 Euros), etc.) will be send to interested persons.