Overview of the project
In order to present a picture of the various
aspects of demography as a discipline at the end of the century and to attempt an
exploration of its future evolution, we ask you to take part in this survey.
Most likely, for the first time in demography, a
survey by questionnaire is undertaken using the resources of Internet. You are invited to
try this new way of data collection, to read the results on-line, and to draw your own
conclusion on its usefulness.
You may answer the questions by
completing the questionnaire on-line on our Web site. To select this option, you
just click on the Blue Button "Go
to questionnaire", located in the lower right side of this page, or directly
For better results, we suggest to use a Navigator such as Internet Explorer or Netscape (in this
case, version 4.0 at least)
Caution! The
downloading of the questionnaire from the Web site may take a few minutes during wich your
screen may remain blank, in spite of the fact that you have received a message indicating,
that the document has been downloaded. This situation is normal. Your computer needs some
time to "recreate" the questionnaire. Let it do it. the duration of this
procedure depends of the power of the computer and/or its configuration.
However, we suggest that those who do not have a
browser suitable for this type of survey download our questionnaire as a MS Word model
file (QuestionEn.dot 160 Kb.) from here: 
In this case, you need only to open this
file on your computer and to answer the questions directly. After answering you just have
to save the completed questionnaire under any name you like and send it by e-mail as
attached file to the following address: demo2000@ined.fr
- Lastly, there is a thrid way of participating in this
survey. You write down your answers on a print copy of the questionnaire and send it to
the following address by regular mail :
Mr. Jean-Claude Chasteland
INED. 133, boulevard Davout - 75980 PARIS Cedex
fax : ++33 (0)1
56 06 21 92 |
To use this third option, you should dowload the questionnaire from
this page as MS World model file, open it on your computer and print it.
You may like to combine these three options, download the
questionnaire, print it, study it, and use one of two first options for answering and
sending the completed questionnaire.

To whom is this questionnaire addressed?
To all researchers and specialists
involved in demography or population studies.
If you are not a demographer yourself, nor a
member of a demographic association, but you work in the context of a demographic
project or within a demographic institution, then you are also concerned by this survey.
Deadline to complete the questionnaire
We would be grateful if you could complete this
questionnaire and return it before the 31 May 2000 to the address mentioned above, and
also if you could inform you colleagues about this survey..
Purpose of the survey
This survey offers an
opportunity to assess the state of demography at the end of this century and to answer
some basic questions such as: what are the main links of demography with other
disciplines? What are its main theoretical and technical frames of reference. How are
reflected in its own evolution the evolution of society? How is its future evolution
perceived by demographers.
The authors of the survey
This suvey is undertaken at the initiative of
small and independent group of demographers from different countries (Belgium, Canada,
France, Italy, Russia, United Kingdom) hosted by the Institut national d'études démographiques - INED (Paris).
It includes :
Alexandre Avdeev (Center for Population Studies,
Moscow State University), Jean-Claude Chasteland
(INED, Former Director of Population Division, UN), François Héran
(INED, Paris), Michel Loriaux (Université catholique de Louvain),
Giuseppe A. Micheli (Università Cattolica di Milano),
Máire Ní Bhrolcháin (University of Southampton), Anatole Romaniuc
(University of Alberta), Louis Roussel (INED, Paris).
Some questions of the questionnaire have been
derived from a survey prepared by European Association
for Population Studies (EAPS) which was submitted to the participants of the European
population conference in Milan in September 1995. The authors of that survey were
Francesco Billari, Maria Chiara Debernardi and Giuseppe Micheli..
Anonymous character of the questionnaire.
Our survey
is completely anonymous with regard to the data collection (questionnaire) and
with regard to the analysis of the results.
Nevertheless, we invite those, who wish to
be informed quickly of the results of the survey, to register on the list
of participants of our survey. We propose several opportunities to
register on this list :
The first one is given
to those who used our online Web questionnaire by "Acknowledgment of
receipt", which appears on your screen just after submit on questionnaire.
If you have choosen to
answer in the WORD version through e-mail, we suggest to mark your name
and your address in the body of text of your e-mail message
to which you attach the file with completed questionnaire.
In the case that you
prefer to send us the questionnaire by ordinary mail, we ask you to put
with a sheet your contact details into a separate unmarked envelope enclosed
with your questionnaire.
Lastly, if you would
like to send your questionnaire by fax, you could fax your contact
details also, using for this purpose a separate sheet.
The nominal data will be used only to
establish a list of people who wish to be informed quickly of the results. These data
cannot be linked in any way with answers to the questionnaire. 
Analysis and dissemination of the results
Results will be available on web pages hosted by
four research centers: INED (Paris, France), Centre for Population Studies of Moscow State
University (Russia), Université Catholique de Louvain(Belgium) and University of
Southampton (United Kingdom).
Contents of the questionnaire
A. Some information on your personal and
professional history.
B. Demography and Society: your view on
current problems.
C. What are the prospects of demography ?