"Demography at the threshold of the year 2000"
an International Survey

Questionnaire in English

Thank you for selecting our online questionnaire. Instructions on how to complete it are as follows.

There are four types of answers possible  to each question:

  • ONE answer only: you click on the selected option. The space where you click is indicated by a cercle;

  • SEVERAL answers possible : you may check as many answers as you like. The spaces where you click are indicated by squares;

  • You answer by filling in one line (countries, dates, other alternative) or several lines (your comments)

  • A DROP-DOWN LIST from which you can select one option only by scrolling down and clicking on the selected option.

Answers to the questionnaire are checked at the time it is sent. For example, If you make a mistake in typing a date, if you have not filled in a compulsory field, etc. then a message will ask you to correct this omission. Until the correction is made, the questionnaire cannot be sent.

ball4.gif (995 octets) - a small flashing bulb indicates those questions for which an answer is compulsory.

A. Some information on your personal and professional history

 ball4.gif (995 octets)  A1. What is your year of birth ? 1 9   Compete two figures
ball4.gif (995 octets)  A2. Are you : Male

ball4.gif (995 octets)  A3. Could you indicate...

1. Your country of birth ?

2. The country of your professional residence?

 3. If appropriate, the country where you are living temporarily for professional reasons ?


ball4.gif (995 octets)  A4. In which language(s) do you write your work? (several languages possible)

You can indicate one language only in each  text box
1. Only in  
2. Primarily in  
3. And secondarily in

 ;     in;

in  and in


A5. In which academic discipline(s) were you mainly trained ? In which did you mainly work during the last 5 years ?

Mutiple answers possible

Academic training Practised during
last 5 years

  1. Demography

  2. Mathematics and statistics

  3. Actuarial science

  4. Sociology

  5. Political science

  6. Economics

  7. Business, marketing, management

  8. Computer science

  9. Psychology, social psychology

10. Law

11. History

12. Prehistory, paleontology

13. Geography

14. Social anthropology, ethnology

15. Urban planning, national and regional development

16. Medicine, epidemiology

17. Biology, biometry, physical anthropologie

18. Genetics

19. Environment, ecology

Other(s): please, specify

ball4.gif (995 octets)  A6. Please state the year you started and ended your University/ College studies ?
(1) indicate 1900
as the second date if your studies are not yet completed ;
(2) if you stopped your studies and resumed them later, use the second line

                 Between 19 and 19

          and Between 19 and 19

ball4.gif (995 octets) A7. In which country(ies) did you receive your academic training?

You may indicate several countries using  semi-colon ( ; ) as a separator

A8. Please summarize your professional history


  (One answer only)

1. You started in demography and moved to (an) other discipline(s)

2. You came to demography from (an) other discipline(s)

3. You have always essentially practised demography

4. You have always closely associated demography with (an) other discipline(s)

5. Demography has never been your main discipline

6. Other history : (please, specify):    

A9. If your answer is 1 or 2 : in which year did you make this change ?

 Around 19     

A10. During the last 5 years did you have the opportunity to bring your expertise of demographer into a project which was not essentially centered on demographic issues ?

       No           Yes 

A11. If yes, on which issue(s) ? 

A12. ...and in which type(s) of organization(s)?
Multiple answers possible

  1. Government statistical office
  2. Research center
  3. University
  4. National or federal administration
  5. Local administration
  6. International organization
  7. Non-governmental organization
  8. Private foundation
  9. Other type(s) of organization(s) (please, specify) :
A13. Would you define yourself as a demographer ?
No opinion

A14. If no : how would your define yourself ? 

A15. Currently how do you divide  your working time between the following activities ?
(in per cent)

1. Teaching  %
2. Research  %
3. Consultancy  %
4. Administration  %
Other activites : (please, specify)
TOTAL 1 0 0  %

A16. In which type of organization(s) do you  or did you work?

Multiple answers possible


10 years ago

20 years ago

  1. Government statistical office

  2. Research center

  3. University

  4. National or federal administration

  5. Local administration

  6. International organization

  7. Non-governmental organization

  8. Private foundation

  9. Private business

10. Retiree

11. Student

12. Is/was independent worker

13.Not applicable : not yet active

A17. On which region(s) of the world is your work centered ?

 North America
 Australia/New Zealande
 Latin America
 Middle East
 Asia/ Oceania
except Australia and New Zealand)
 World as whole
No regional specialization

A18. What is/was your field of research?

Multiple answers possible


10 years ago

20 years ago

  1. General population studies

  2. Regional studies, local studies

  3. Spatial distributions, internal migration

  4. Population trends, projections

  5. Mortality, morbidity, epidemiology

  6. Fertility, fecundity

  7. Nuptiality, family structure

  8. Transition to adulthood, life cycles

  9. International migration

10. Demography of less developed countries

11. Historical Demography

12. History of demography

13. Epistemology

14. Studies of minorities, ethnic groups

15. Cultural demography

16. Economic demography

17. Employment, labour force

18. Natural resources and population

19. Population policy

20. Methods, models

21. Data collection

22. Household surveys

23. Anthropological studies, monographs

Other(s) (please, specify)




A19. If you work or worked in several fields, indicate one or two of the main fields of work

Indicate below the numbers corresponding to the answers given to the question A18

Currently ?       (1998-1999)

10 years ago ? (1988-1989)
20 years ago ? (1978-1979)
A20. Are you currently a member of the following demographic association(s)?
IUSSP (International Union for Scientific Study of Population
EAPS (European Association for Population Studies)
PAA (Population Association of America)
Other national or/and international associations (Please, specify) :


B. Demography and society : your views on current problems

N. B.: "Demography" in the broad sense, including " population studies "


B1. Listed below are some socio-economic phenomena which influenced world evolution during the last decades. To what extent did they also influence your personal practice of demography ?

Celecte from drop-down list one of the options: "no impact", "weak", "average", "strong" or "very strong".


Suddenness of demographic changes


Dissemination of modern methods of contraception


Rapid population growth in less developed countries


Low fertility in developed countries


Decline of fertility in less developed countries


Population ageing


Increase in life expectancy at older ages


Increase of non-marital unions


Adolescent fertility in certain countries


Medical assisted conception


Development of health systems


Exploration of human genome


Aids epidemic


Change in role/status of women


Ethnic minorities issues


Threat to the environment


Development of international migration


Economic and financial globalization


Debt and restructuring in less developed countries


Crisis of the Welfare State


Decline in economic planning and in the role of the State


Collapse of USSR


Emergence of the European Union


Development of education systems


Increase in unemployment


New forms of poverty

Other significant phenomena (please, specify):


B2. Among the phenomena listed which in your view has had the greatest impact on demography as a discipline, independent of your personal practice ? List no more than 3 without putting them in order.

Indicate below the letter or/and numbers corresponding to the phenomena listed in question B1


Listed below are certain choices or dilemmas that demographers may encounter. They are presented as neutrally as possible.
Could you indicate your position with regard to them ?

B3. Do you favour a strict definition of demography around the concept of formal demography or around the concept of population studies, whether or not carried out in co-operation with other disciplines ?

Rather formal demography

Rather population studies

No opinion

B4. Do you think that demographic phenomena should be explained mainly by demographic phenomena or mainly by non-demographic phenomena?

Mainly by demographic phenomena

Mainly by other phenomena


No opinion

B5. In your view  what is the contribution of other disciplines to demography ?

Multiple answers possible

1. Useful techniques
2. Stimulating analogies
3. Explanatory theories
4. Theoretical framework
5. Limited or no contribution
6. Other answer(s) specify:  
7. No opinion

B6. Do you think that demography should be either a descriptive discipline or an explanatory one ?

Rather descriptive

Rather explanatory


No opinion

B7. In your view does demography belong to natural sciences or to social sciences ?

Rather to the natural sciences

Rather to the social sciences


No opinion

B8. What contemporary researcher(s) (active between the 1950s and now) whether demographer(s) or not, is (are) today...

a central reference in your field of research ?

a central reference in demography in general ?
even if mentioned in the 1st column)

B9. What paradigm(s) or theoretical framework(s) do you consider as central to demography today ?


In your field of work ?

In demography in general ?

1. Demographic transition

2. Family life cycle

3. Relation population / resources

4. Sustainable growth

5. Epidemiological transition

6. Law of mortality at older ages

7. Transfers between generations

8. Change in gender roles

9. Social network analysis

10. Spatial analysis

11. New home economics

12. Relations macro/micro

Other paradigme(s)/framework(s) please, specify:



B10. What technique(s) or method(s) do you consider as central to demography today ?


In your field of work ?

In demography in general ?

1. Life tables

2. Stable, quasi stable populations

3. Survival models

4. Age-period-cohorte analysis

5. Event history analysis

6. Markov models

7. Methods of data collection

8. Standardization

9. Regression methods

10. Indirect estimation

11. Econometrics

12. Multi-level analysis

13. Simulation

14. Model of proximate determinants of fertility

Other techniques or methods (please, specify) :


16 .

B11. From your point of view what has contributed most to the development of demography as a discipline during recent decades ?
(no more than four answers)

You can select only one option in each column.
  1 2 3 4
1. Progress of formal demography
2. Techniques borrowed from other sciences
3. Availability of individual/longitudinal data

4. Use of new concepts/theoretical frameworks coming from demography

5. Use of new concepts/theoretical frameworks coming from other sciences

6. Dissemination of computing capacity
7. Development of personal and financial resources
8. Availability and comparability of macro data
Other factors (please specify):

B12. In your field of work would you say that demography currently encounters?

Do not know Normal difficulties Serious difficulties Real crisis

A. At the conceptual level (categories, definitions)

B. In its explanatory power

C. At the level of data availability, computing facilities and training

D. At the financial and organizational level

E. At the ethical/political level

Your free comments on this question :

You have answered to 2 or 3 (serious difficulties or real crisis) :

B13. Indicate if they are specific to demography or shared with other social sciences in general ?

Specific to demography
Shared with other social sciences
No opinion

C. What are the prospects for demography ?


C1. At the institutional level what kind of relationship should demographers have with other disciplines ?

  Multiple answers possible

1. Should collaborate more with non demographers in their demographic projects

2. Should increase their mobility toward environments not centered on demography

3. Should undertake joint projects with non demographers

4. Should encourage the creation of multidisciplinary institutions

5. Should maintain the specificity of demography

6. No opinion

C2. Do you think that the development of autonomous specializations (economic demography, mortality studies etc.) is inevitable ?

No opinion

C3. In your view, is it possible that demography could lose its unity and could be divided with other disciplines? (statistics, sociology, biology, etc.)

Yes, which ones?
No opinion

C4. Is there a possibility that in the future demography may become isolated as a discipline (through an excess of techniques, lack of explanatory theories, ignorance of other disciplines ,etc.) ?

No, there is no such possibility or it is unlikely
Yes, there is such possibility
No opinion

C5. What are the public or institutional sectors whose demand for demographic expertise are likely to develop most rapidly in the future ?

One answer only

1. State/central government
2. Local government
3. Welfare administration
4. Regional international organizations (EU, OAS, etc.)
5. Other international organizations
6. Non governmental organizations
7. Private foundation
8. Private business
9. Other type of organization
                           (please, specify) :
10. No opinion

C6. In your view what effect would the development of this type of demand  have on demography ?

1. It might be mainly negative 

2. It might be mainly positive

3. No effect

4. No opinion

C7. In your view, should demographer....

1. abstains as demographer from all public involvement in political debates?

2. intervenes in political debates only through his/her expert advice, given spontaneously or on request, on the consequences of political options ?

3. takes sides publicly in political debates in their personal capacity and as a demographer ?

4. No opinion.

C8. Do you think that demographers should themselves present the results or their research to the public (books for a large audience, textbooks, conferences, etc.)?

1. Yes
2. No
3. No opinion

C9. Listed below are some broad objectives which might in the final analysis determine the commitment of researchers to demography or associated disciplines. Which one(s) are the closest to your heart ?
No more than four answers

You can select one option only in each column

1 2 3 4

1. Make a contribution advancement of knowledge through research and/or teaching

2. Satisfy your intellectual curiosity
3. Contribute to social integration
4. Reduce inequalities in health

 5. Promote equality between men and women

 6. Reduce North/South gaps

 7. Raise public and official awareness of the dangers of low fertility

8. Raise public and official awareness about rapid population growth in less developed countries

 9. Control migratory flows

10. Ensure the demographic basis of national identity

11. Ensure equity between generations

12. Raise public and official awareness of the effects of increased life expectancy

13. Oppose the perverted use of demography

14. Reduce racism and xenophobia

Other(s) (please, specify):



17. Sans opinion

C10. In your view, what are the broad themes of research that will develop in the coming 20 years ?

C11. To conclude, do you have any comments on the current state of demography and its prospects in the coming 20 years?

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  Conception and Web realisation by AAA, 1999;11.30.1999